The Launch
There is something wrong, isn’t there?
We appear to be caught in a downward spiral with no end in sight.
In the past 2 years, our world has been turned upside down. It appears that there is a dark agenda being played out in plain sight and many of us feel powerless to stop it. It feels like our governments are no longer on the side of the people. It no longer matters whether politicians tell the truth or not. There is no accountability. The legal system is rigged. Our countries are being overrun by illegal immigrants who are supported by our authorities. Often, they are all fighting age young men, no women, no children, coming from countries that have no wars.
We can now predict the future.
The new variant is coming from China and has been named - Kraken. China is arguably the most vaccinated and most masked country in the world. They have been under lockdown for years. And yet, these viruses keep originating from China. We know that all 20 countries of the G20 have signed on to bring back vaccine passports. That meeting was in mid-November, 2022.
We know that the World Health Organization is being positioned to orchestrate a global covid strategy and response. We will be locked down but not at the hands of our own governments.
We know that every country is standing by as Digital ID’s are beginning to be rolled out. We know that Central Bank Digital Currency is coming. We know that China is the most advanced country on this timeline. We know that people there are being controlled through these systems and a central computer. People are being locked down by simply changing their vaccine status which is part of their ID.
And there is more coming after that. The details are available from the perpetrators of this horror.
At some point, we the people are going to have to intervene. I suggest that now would be a good time.
Many of you who are reading this are already well aware of the plan of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. You have likely been awake to this for a very long time. However, most people in your neighbourhood are not aware of these circumstances. They are getting their information from mainstream media which is carefully concocted lies and propaganda. It will be difficult to mount an appropriate resistance without beginning a dialogue with this group.
We have an opportunity at this juncture to build a global movement of mass non-compliance to Digital ID’s and CBDC. If we can do this, we will have broken the sequence that is necessary for the globalists to achieve their final goal. If we get past this point without resistance, it is hard to imagine how we turn back
Canada has produced the wording for our pamphlet. It is attached. We will call on people from every corner of the country to begin the process of distributing this information door to door, neighbour to neighbour. We will build a national network of citizens ready to put boots on the ground. We will begin a national dialogue. We will coalesce on this one issue alone. From this perspective, we will shine a light on other issues that are concerning to all of us.
For those in other countries, take whatever parts of our pamphlet are pertinent to your circumstances and discard the rest. Make it yours. Translate it, if appropriate. Or build your own pamphlet from the ground up.
The key, I believe, is to keep in touch with us. Let us build this energy together. We will track our national progress and our global progress on the website
Find a pamphlet pal or a brochure buddy. Pick a section of a town and city. Keep track of where you have been so that we can effectively cover large geographical areas.
Let us begin this dialogue.
Let us take to the streets.
I know you know what is at stake.