Notes from the Revolution - Entry #4

Vaccination information from Serdar Duzgoren. Lawyers take note.


MRNA vaccine can be used as a tool for a biological attack on humanity just by giving a genetical code of a protein of another but even much lethal disease. This slightly different protein could give a broader spectrum immunisation which is good for more than one disease.

For example: a spike protein of Delta virus gives immunity also against much simple alpha version of the virus. Immunising people secretly against another but much lethal version of the disease could be used as a biological attack which can result as planned number of people to remain in each country when this disease would be released in the future. This technology could be used on people even selectively if somehow Worldwide old, sick, handicap people could be seperated, given different vaccination times! In this way this vaccine could be avoided to be  given unwanted people.

With right (late) delivery times (months after vaccination program starts) priority old, sick, handicap people at each non-eu countries would  already be vaccinated before the "special" vaccine arrives! This would result most of this vaccine to be given to younger, healthier part of world population! When the lethal disease would be released in the future only those immunised against the lethal disease  would survive.

So it is scientifically possible that a selective depopulation could be achieved using mRNA vaccines and this REASON MUST BE USED IN LEGAL WAY TO STOP MRNA VACCINATIONS!

Can lawyers use this idea for opening a law suit for stopping mRNA vaccinations?


[1:26 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:

[6:53 a.m., 2021-09-02] Serdar Duzgoren:


We are writing to you on behalf of our NGO, with regards to some legal actions we intend to take, related to our research of 8 months.


Throughout this research, we have come across valuable information and insight that we believe needs immediate attention.

We have also been in contact with people from various fields of practice: medical scientists, researchers and human rights activists.

This is how we came across the Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko, who has been the developer of mRNA therapies since the 1990’s, and who has also been working at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals in the last 8 years. 

From her input through email exchanges, she confirmed to us that it is scientifically possible that “1 (one) spike protein can give immunisation against more than one version of the virus” (K. Kariko’s response).

There is a different, unthought of reason why the mRNA vaccines are holding a potential threat. The MRNA vaccine can be used as a tool for a biological attack on humanity just by inserting a genetic code of a protein from a different but much more lethal disease. This slightly different protein could give a broader spectrum of immunisation which works against more than one disease. 

For example: a spike protein of the Delta variant gives immunity also against the much simpler Alpha version of the virus. Immunising people secretly against a different but much more lethal version of the disease (already engineered, but not yet released), could be used as a biological attack: when this version would be released in the future, it would result in a planned number of people to remain alive in each country!

This technology could be used on people even selectively if somehow, Worldwide, old, sick, handicapped people could be separated from the young and healthy and be given different vaccination times! In this way, one vaccine could be intentionally kept away from and not given to unwanted people.

According to this logic: World Health Organisation’s PRIORITY groups (of old, sick, handicapped people and all countries’ authorities) might have actually been created to separate the World population into age, health groups so that the “double-effect vaccine” can be delivered to the countries in the time of vaccination of the healthier, younger part of their populations!

This plan (of ‘prioritisation’ and early vaccination of old, sick, handicapped people with any other vaccines but not with that “double-effect vaccine”) is prepared especially for non-EU countries, where the majority of the World population - 7 billion people - live!

The reason why mRNA technology started to be used widely during this pandemic might be because it is the only way to give people a different immunisation against an uncirculating (not yet released) virus/mutation, SECRETLY. This would not be possible by using the classic way of vaccine production (in the classic way of producing them, the vaccines had to contain components of an uncirculating, future virus, which would be easily discoverable by the scientists)!


Even if that virus exists or not, anytime the World population is divided and different age and health conditions people are given different vaccine brands (through early vaccination times), can be used for a selective depopulation, as it is shortly explained:  Right now, another immunisation might be given to millions of people against this future lethal pathogen with one of the corona virus mRNA vaccines! Soon after, target numbers of people are immunised and when this pathogen is released the result would be: 


            *elimination of everybody who was not vaccinated with the “double-effect vaccine”,

    *elimination of the majority of the old people, people with chronic diseases, people with handicaps and homeless people. (Because in every country, except USA and Canada, these people were vaccinated with other brands before the “double-effect vaccine” started to be used, because of the priority risk groups of WHO’s Covid19 vaccination program), 

    *World population would go down to the approximate desired number of people (equal to the approximate number of the “double-effect vaccine” vaccinated people) and survivors would be only from the countries where those vaccines are sold and used,

    *elimination of most of the world’s authorities (because all got priorities and were already vaccinated before the  “double-effect vaccine” arrived) and resetting all political, judicial, financial and medical systems, erasing all governments. 


We found this information very worrying and have gathered interesting details in our research as: Moderna has not published it’s mRNA code and is still keeping it secret; through different methods (detailed in a separate document), Moderna vaccines have been delivered especially to every Non-EU country after a country already vaccinated major part of the old, sick with other brands and after they start vaccinating under 60 years old populations; and how AstraZeneca causing blood clots on young people reason is used by almost all countries to give AstraZeneca to old people, so the majority of the Moderna vaccines reaches to young people (this side effect is accepted and even promoted by the system which resulted in old people being injected with it).

This is not a risk to be taken, thinking that a private company, related to eugenicists, is injecting an unpublished genetic code into millions of people!


So it is scientifically possible that a selective depopulation could be achieved by using mRNA vaccines, and this REASON MUST BE USED IN A LEGAL LAWSUIT TO STOP MRNA VACCINATIONS! This new approach must reach lawyers around the world, engaged in the effort to stop this worldwide ‘vaccination’ campaign!

Would you be interested in helping and offering us your professional expertise on this matter?

We can send you the full document on this delicate matter with many other related facts at your request, should you be interested in checking by yourself.

Kindly let us know if you are able to help in any way,

Please confirm upon receiving this email,

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Stella Solaris ONG Foundation,

Team Assistant, Maria E. Magdalena

Team Leader, Serdar Duzgoren

+40 732 134 134


Please watch this:


So it is scientifically possible that a selective depopulation could be achieved by using mRNA vaccines by immunising some people also against another pathogen and by releasing this lethal pathogen in the future to remain only the that double effect vaccine immunised people. The mRNA code that is injected SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT AND PUBLIC TO BE VERIFIED THAT THE GIVEN GENETIC CODE IS IDENTICAL TO SARS-COV2 SPIKE PROTEIN! THAT THE GENETIC CODE IS KEPT AS SECRET MUST BE USED AS A REASON IN A LEGAL LAWSUIT TO STOP MRNA VACCINATIONS! This new approach must reach lawyers around the world, engaged in the effort to stop injecting unknown genetic code in the name of mRNA Covid19 vaccination!

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