The Digital Passport
The Digital Passport January 18th, 2022
So, here we are.
Everyone in the world is having/has had a slightly different experience over the past 22 months.
But it’s not good, is it?
Those of us who see what the plan is have moved through different stages. The early signs of despair are starting to manifest themselves.
We are being confronted by a global take over plan. Our response to date has been fractured and ineffective. Many of us are part of “resistance” groups which have expressed an interest in working with others in a coordinated way. To date, this has not happened in any significant way.
Many of us continue to share information and news (mostly bad) as if there is a magical solution hidden therein. Millions of people protest without evidence of the tide turning.
Some of us talk about the police or armies joining “our” cause Some will wait patiently to see if the lawyers will save us.
The dark forces have not blinked once.
Most societies have been split into 2 camps. Those who comply and those who refuse. We have been divided by our response to masks, mandates and vaccinations.
This has left both sides weak and exhausted. Everyone has made their decision and will hold firm.
The next phase in this dark, global, yet to be fully implemented plan, is the universal application of the vaccine passport, the digital passport.
This of course takes the tyranny to the next level and also provides us with our LAST opportunity to defeat them.
I believe we can convince both sides in the vaccination debate that the vass pass is not in the interest of any of us, that this intrusion into our personal lives will result in the loss of all of our freedoms forever. I believe we can put together a brilliant short expose of this trickery that will convince ALL that this is where we draw the line.
The plan of the Great Reset cannot survive without the digital passport. It is that simple.
Here is a model for the campaign and an implementation strategy. This is an illustration of how this might work in my community. Anyone who is motivated will find it easy to adapt to your own circumstances. The campaign could be improved with marketing specialists, graphic artists, website builders, and communication experts.
You can also just go ahead on your own.
This will be a grassroots movement. It will only work if the town or city where you live takes it on. I believe this is the most powerful strategy we have at the moment to finally end this.
Dear member of the Guelph/(add your town/city) community,
Over the past 22 months, every one of us has seen changes in our lives which would have been unimaginable previously.
The vast majority of us have done our part to respond to the directions and mandates of our governments and health officials.
We were told that if we did, things would get back to normal.
After almost 2 years, some are beginning to wonder if this will ever happen. We have worn our masks, gotten our vaccinations and our boosters. In many cases, our choices have created divisions between our families and former friends.
Now, our elected officials are introducing digital passports. Some of us are starting to wonder if being asked to identify yourself everywhere you go is crossing a line whereby our right to privacy is being violated. Some of us are beginning to ask if there might be a hidden agenda.
With an open mind, watch the 2 videos here.
The first is by an Australian filmmaker who wishes to remain anonymous.
It is called “This Pivotal Moment Episode 1” and is 17 minutes long.
The second is by American Naomi Wolfe, the CEO of a tech company, but perhaps better known as the author of 10 books, the first in 1990, “The Beauty Myth” and her latest in 2020, “Outrages: Sex, Censorship and the Criminalisation of Love”.
It is called “Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever” 16 minutes
If either or both of these resonate with you and you would like to be part of a strategy for Guelph, contact me at
Every restaurant, every business, every arts and culture establishment that currently requires a digital passport to enter should receive this information.
It is time for our community to come together and discuss a different approach than the one being presented to us at the moment.
We can develop a more humane approach to this situation.
We can unite with other communities across Canada to stand together and say we can do better than this.
We can unite with other countries around the world to stop the implementation of this plan.
And in doing so, we can begin to discuss what a world looks like that truly represents all of us.