#WeStopTheWEF - First Draft - November 20,2022


All of the wealthiest, most powerful, most famous people on the planet belong to an organization called the World Economic Forum.  They are all unelected. Your government is likely controlled by them.

They have a plan called the Great Reset.

Here is the plan:

Introduce mandatory vaccinations for everyone on an ongoing basis.

Track these vaccinations through a vax passport.

Through the vax passport platform, build a full digital ID for everyone including all of your personal information,  all of your finances.

Introduce and implement the concept of Central Bank Digital Currency.

Once all of this is in place, one day you will awake to a message that the global economy has collapsed. (You can already see this happening in your own country.  This is being done on purpose)

All of your assets will be dissolved.

You will be offered a basic income which is just sufficient to survive on.

You will receive this sum in full if you obey the restrictions.  This is called the social credit system.

At the heart of this plan is significant population reduction.  Those who survive will wish they had not.

For those who are still skeptical that this level of darkness is possible, pay attention to the news out of China.  There, all of these systems are already in place and building.

We have finally reached the ultimate line in the sand.

Everything is now at stake.  Everything you hold near and dear.  

We have a moment of relative quietude to contemplate this juncture in our history.

We have some time to plan our intervention.

For the plan of the WEF to work and proceed, people need to agree to vaccine coercion.  That is, they need to agree to attach conditions of freedom based on their vaccine choices. But most importantly, people have to agree to the digitalization of their data.

If we interrupt this sequence of events, we break the chain.

Each country will develop a plan that matches their circumstances.  But all countries involved will work together for the same goal - the exposure and elimination of the WEF from our collective lives.

Here in Canada, the moment of action will likely be the implementation of the vax pass.  The G20 has just taken place and every country there signed on to an agreement to bring it back.

This is our window of opportunity to build our plan.

We Canadians do not agree to a vax pass.  We do not agree to a system that bases our freedom of movement on our personal health choices.

We intend to be free to travel.  We intend to be free.  

We will identify all of the parts of the system in the travel experience…border crossings, security checkpoints at airports, trains, buses.  We will begin to talk about civil disobedience. Not just for the travelers, but for those who traditionally enforce these rules.

We will recognize that we are in the middle of a war on information.  We know that MSM is bought and sold to the same corporations as our governments.

We all live in neighbourhoods where the vast majority of people are informed by these sources.

They are NOT reading this.

We will address this reality.  We will talk about and create materials that are neighbourhood friendly that address the reality of our moment.

We will be invitational across the widest spectrum possible.  

We will build a national network of those who are interested in the distribution of the truth.  

Every town, every province.

We will go door to door to distribute the best information available on the dangers of engaging in any kind of digital identification.

We will identify leaders in each of our villages, towns, and provinces.  

We will identify provincial coordinators for this work.

We will be neighbour to neighbour sharing our truth.

We will take this on.

We will come together.

We will shut down the WEF.

We will build a new world based on who we truly are.

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