Full Circle April 28, 2021

Thirty-five years ago, I wrote a piece entitled “Nexus – The Breakaway Society”.  Over the years I have been told that the premise was too radical.  I was asking too much of people.  The way forward was to fix the “real world” not to build a new one. 


The title of that piece is now “Nexus Global” and is available at www.imaginexus.org under the heading “Foundation”.  Not a word has been changed.  I have never found a reason to change anything.  What was true thirty-five years ago is still true today.


What HAS changed is the world that we find ourselves in now.  We are moving at break neck speed into a new narrative.  And the catalyst is covid.  Through a coordinated web of lies and smoke and mirrors, we are being weakened and divided as a strategy to limit our collective response to this horror. 


The plan of “the tiny group” is right before our eyes, in plain sight.  Some call it “The Great Reset”, others the New World Order (NWO).  It began, of course, as a “conspiracy theory”.  Everything that has happened since the beginning of 2020 has been planned.  A virus that was financed by Americans in a lab in China and all of the consequences of it were thought out step by step over many years.  Proof of this is available everywhere except in main stream media (MSM).


What’s even more chilling is that the future is also laid out in these same documents.  I have just posted this video that will give you a Canadian perspective.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0HB4BVQeBI


Is an action plan beginning to materialize in your imagination?

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