Progress April 14/2021


Social Change.  Social change activist.  The theory of social change.  Is there such a thing?  If we imagine being part of a movement that espouses social change, shouldn’t there be a theory from which we are working?  Shouldn’t we at least observe what has worked in the past versus what hasn’t and learn from our history, or at least our mistakes?


What if nothing we “the people” have done in the past has made any real difference?  What if we have simply been moving around the deck chairs on the Titanic?  Some of us have a better view than others, but essentially the ship is going down.  And there will be lifeboats.  Do you believe that there is a seat on one of those life boats for you?


The tiny group that we sometimes refer to as the global elite have a plan.  And you’re not part of it.  It has been planned for a long time and covid was created as the final assault to bring us all to our knees.  Covid-19 is simply one of many corona viruses that we have seen in the past couple of decades.  They are all manufactured in a laboratory.  They are all patented.  Patents are only given to inventions that are man-made.  Their plan is to leave us impoverished, crushed, depressed.  Then, they will take care of us.  They will tell us that the global system is financially bankrupt and that China will bail us out.  Debts will be “forgiven”.  They will control all the supply chains – food and manufacturing.  They will offer you a basic income to survive on.  They will know everything about you and control your movement.  The plan was to get rid of cash and that is already well under way.  That way all exchanges are digital and can be controlled.  We are moving to a world where all cars will be electric, and self-driving and your comings and goings will be able to be tracked. 


Have I lost you already?  That’s ok.  Let me tell you a story.  I have a friend.  Well, maybe more than one, but that’s another story.  We were talking 6 months ago.  He is generally quite resistant to this narrative.  So, I asked him.  What change needs to happen in the world where you would begin to believe that something was happening on a deep level.  His answer “mandatory vaccinations”.  Six months ago.  Now, large numbers of people are talking about this phenomenon as if it is the next logical step.  The “tiny” group own main stream media.  All of it.  They have been visibly buying it up for decades.  If are listening, watching or engaged in MSM, you are listening to propaganda, pure and simple.


So, I ask you.  Where is your line in the sand?  Make a note of it.  And then, when we get there and beyond, join us as we fight for our very lives and the lives of our families.


By the way, this scenario will play out mostly in the global north.  For those in the southern hemisphere, your numbers will be reduced in other very deliberate and conscious ways.  No one will be immune.  Unless…


This could be construed as a rather dreary beginning to a piece of writing.  So, why am I more optimistic about our collective futures than I have ever been? 


Let us begin our journey together by using the metaphor of an education system to replace the global system.  In a traditional education system, there are clearly demarcated levels of responsibility.  At the bottom are the teachers.  And above that group is the administration headed by a principal.  Then there are superintendents and at the top is the Director of Education for a region. 


Let’s say that I was a teacher who aspired to positions of “added responsibility”.  I might begin to explore how that would happen.  How would I gain access?  I might begin to see that there were certain checks and balances in place.  I might see that it was a bit like a club and that the rules were not written but were observable.  Perhaps affiliations to other clubs, or interest in certain sports like golf.  Or coaching experience with the right sport.  Certain political beliefs, certain religious beliefs.  And in the end, I would conclude that the whole edifice is held together by a commitment to keeping things the way that they are and always have been.  I might conclude that the reason that leaders got to their place in the chain is because of their commitment to build a system that is impervious to change. 


Further, let’s say that I was a teacher who was passionate about change that was liberating and in the best interest of students, and set out to achieve that change from this position of limited influence in the system.  Is it likely that I would be visited by ever escalating levels of management to check on this “errant” individual who obviously has misunderstood how things work?


Back to the global structure.  Every growing numbers of people (the teacher class) are realizing that there is something fundamentally wrong with the system of which we are a part.  And an examination of current leadership exhibits an amazing resemblance one to the other.  They all seem to be operating from the same play book.  It’s almost like a club where everyone is following the same rules.  Did this happen overnight or has it always been this way?


So, observation #1.  If this is indeed the state of our global leadership, why would we continue to go back to them in our quest to bring about change?  It is not simply that our leaders have failed us, it is that this leadership model has betrayed us.  Anyone who tells you to trust current leadership, or that the responsibility for a certain situation is in the hands of the leaders, or that a new leader will fix this, is not paying attention or is getting their information from main stream media.


Do you believe it is normal or natural to feel small, to feel powerless?  How did you learn this?  What would have to happen for you to feel differently?  The world is dying for us to turn this around.  The world is dying for us to realize that we are as talented and strong as any leader on the planet.  The world is dying for us to take back our power and build a global story that is in keeping with who we truly are. 


And as luck would have it, we’ve run out of time, so the world needs us yesterday.


We ARE the new leaders.  So, now what?  Do we protest, pick up arms, write letters, hang out on twitter, vote our way out of this?  Feels like there is ample evidence that none of that works. 


Do we limit ourselves to exploring change through our current national borders?  Do we imagine change happens by one entire country being an example for the other countries?  Are we not so polarized by traditional politics that it is simply an illusion to think that the people within a country will suddenly all come to the same awareness at the same time? 


Think of your own country.  Do the geographical borders make sense to you?  Is all of your energy being used to keep something together that should not be together?  If so, can you trace back to a time when things worked better?  Or can you look into the future at a physical solution which would be the beginning of a new narrative? 


The world is beginning to look at these ideas as a way out.  But the naysayers will tell you that these smaller entities will not survive on the international stage.  They will simply get eaten up by the imperialists.  But what if the emerging models began to recognize each other and found ways to support each transition?  What if we began to imagine a kind of federation of innovative, progressive movements that formed the nucleus of change across the globe? 


What if each entity, or break away country, or traditional country that wanted to be involved, decided that they would commit to a formula that guaranteed an exchange of funds on a regular basis, a kind of equalization payment to make sure that everyone was taken care of? This happens now in the country where I live between all provinces and territories.  Not particularly complicated really.


And what if each recognizable entity decided that we would build a world where poverty was eliminated?  Where every citizen on the globe was guaranteed a “living wage”.  Please, please do not confuse this with “basic income”.  That’s their plan and there is a world of difference between the two.  One is a control mechanism, the other is liberation. In the country where I live, less than 10% of the population lives below that line.  That small group would be the only ones affected by this change.  In other countries, the percentage would be different but the results the same.  The elimination of poverty. 


As we build this model, why wouldn’t we address the discrepancy of incomes within each entity.  Why wouldn’t we introduce a number, let’s say 25.  That would mean that the difference in income between the least well paid and the highest paid would be a factor of 25.


And because things are going so well in our new vision, why wouldn’t we eliminate war at the same time.  Declare each entity a “war-free zone”.  Say out loud that state-sanctioned violence is no longer a tool in governing the people.  And while we’re at it, why don’t we redefine the role that the police have in our re-imagined society.  Not as a force that is imposed on us from the outside but rather one that meets our current needs as we define them. 


We’ve tried out the alternative for thousands of years, why wouldn’t we give peace a chance.  If it doesn’t work out, we can always go back.


We might want to try gathering the wisest amongst us and negotiate our differences.  Perhaps tantrums could be allowed for an agreed upon break-in period for those that are experiencing difficulty with the transition from the “old days” when we simply eliminated those we disagree with. 


“There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in” 

Leonard Cohen



So, where are these cracks where the light gets through?


There are countless numbers of people around the world who recognize that change is necessary and imminent.  Who are writing about and talking about new systems of democracy, new systems to find common agreement that aren’t based on the majority being victorious over the minority.  There are those who are advocating for new ways to look at economics, new ways to mitigate the stock market and generate trillions of dollars in the meantime.  There are more and more entities/countries that have broken away from the “motherland” or “fatherland” who continue to be abused for having done so and would welcome a federation that supports them. 


There are groups in the UK who have started the process of separation.  There are more coming.  There are countries all over Africa who have suffered from the imposition of colonial borders that never honoured their past or their traditions.  There is a growing awareness of this legacy.  There is a “crack” in the idea that large, seemingly homogenous countries can only move forward as a block.  The US, China, India.  Latin America is tired of the corruption perpetrated upon them by the imperialists.  “Free Elections” is a goal that has been tarnished but not lost. And for those countries who seem to be above it all, (oh, those Scandinavians), there is a growing realization that there will be nowhere to hide from the tempest that is coming unless a significant number of us come together.


It is in us to do this.  This is why we are here at this moment.


Can you imagine?


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