Free the North April 18, 2021

To the North, the people of North East and North West, Cumbria, Cheshire, and Yorkshire,


What a brilliant, courageous initiative!


You have recognized that your relationship with Westminster no longer works for you and you have gone ahead and done something about it.  You have declared a foundation value system which is inspiring and focused.  You have recognized and acted upon the ideals of what a society should look like and needs to look like.  You have taken the high road in a world that seems mostly stuck in the muck. 


I’m not sure if you aspire to inspire the world with your work.  It does that for me.  I see this movement and others around the world as the way out.  As the way that the world transitions from a sad, dilapidated story built over thousands of years whose time has expired, to one that is inclusive and represents humanity as we truly are.


All over the world, people are waking up to the realization that just about everything is wrong.  It’s not that we as humans are fatally flawed.  It is that our institutions and structures, our governments, our education systems, our belief systems no longer represent us.  These constructs have separated us into ideologies that no longer serve us.  There is a growing awareness that the moment has come to build something new.


I am writing to you from Canada.  We are waking up to recognize that our governments no longer represent the people.  They are simply following a program that is being imposed from the outside, the same program that the UK is following.  Our neighbours to the south are being targeted and destroyed by the same forces.  Those still standing are divided by toxic bi-partisan politics.  The American president is even more a caricature than Boris.  Many European countries in the EU are plagued with the same phenomenon. 


Latin America continues to be bullied by the imperialists.  The continent of Africa is waking up to the reality of countless conflicts, horrible governance and the legacy of hundreds of years of colonization, exploitation, the imposition of unnatural languages and borders.  China is visibly buying up African resources at a dizzying pace as it takes up its role as THE global power.


The Ukraine, Myanmar, India, Hong Kong…endless and needless death and destruction waiting for a solution that is permanent where people can begin to live their lives as they were meant to be lived.   


So, how do we turn this around? 


We all do what you are doing.  We begin the process, globally, of recognizing that “the system” doesn’t work.  Traditional borders are simply a suggestion of who we group ourselves with.  Traditional voting structures are now under scrutiny.  Asking people in positions of authority for permission is being challenged.  The constraints and shackles are becoming visible.  And as they do, our longing for freedom from these bonds becomes tangible.


What if people who are inspired by your movement took it upon themselves to redefine their own reality?  What if countless countries in Africa began to re-vision the way forward?  Does it mean breaking up traditional groupings?  Does it mean adopting new systems of governance that replace the “strong man” at the top?  Could the same thing happen in Canada and the US?  Could we imagine creating entities inside our traditional borders that would be sovereign?  Could the same thing happen on every continent?


And as this movement began to unfold, how would we recognize each other?  Could we set up a system of support so that the seeds of this change would be nurtured and protected?  Could we set up a system of simple common rules that would effectively undo capitalism?


I think we can.  I believe that you do too. 


If so, let’s continue our rather one-sided dialogue.


I hope this finds you well and thriving.


Michael Breton


A number of us around the world have been using the four pillars of Nexus Global as a template for social change.  Let us know if you think they might be useful for you as you build your future together.

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